Understood. What is your question?
2 230 670 Ft – 2 433 504 Ft
● Állítható magasságú munkaállomás
● Könnyű súlyú és könnyen hordozható
● Integrált kábelkezelési rendszer
● Tartós és stabil kialakítás
● Széles munkaterület
● Kompatibilis számos eszközzel és monitorral
● Modern és esztétikus design
Understood. What is your question?
Apollo 40
Apollo 52
Threaded Rail Plate Specifications (EA)
Apollo 40:
(1) Fixed Height Hinged X-Top Shelf with
(2) Integrated Threaded Rail Plates
(4) 10 in. Removable EVO Wheels (2 Fixed / 2 Swivel with Foot Brakes)
(2) Overtube Quick Grips
(2) Overtube Accessory Crossbars
Transporting Bags for Upright Posts, Wheels, Accessory Crossbars, and Quick Grips
Apollo 52:
(1) Fixed Height Hinged X-Top Shelf with (3) Integrated Threaded Rail Plates
(4) 10 in. Removable EVO Wheels (2 Fixed / 2 Swivel with Foot Brakes)
(2) Overtube Quick Grips
(2) Overtube Accessory Crossbars
Transporting Bags for Upright Posts, Wheels, Accessory Crossbars, and Quick Grips